Harvard Professor Avi Loeb Makes Unprecedented Scientific Breakthrough As He Recovers ‘Alien Artifact’ from the Depths Of Pacific Ocean

Finding an alien artifact was previously possible only in science fiction until recently. Harvard Professor, Avi Loeb, who previously classified the famous Oumuamua interstellar object spotted in 2017 as an alien spaceship instead of a cigar-shaped space rock has revealed that he and his colleagues may have retrieved an alien artifact from the depths of the Pacific Ocean.

The scientist made his claims after he and his team recovered a strange interstellar object from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. How did the scientist make such a discovery for humanity? Continue reading to find out.

How Harvard Professor Avi Loeb Discovered an Alien Artifact from The Bottom of The Pacific Ocean

Finding a strange object like an alien artifact on Earth may sound quite odd to many people. However, the Harvard Professor has revealed how he succeeded in retrieving the strange interstellar object from the Pacific Ocean. A report published by the BBC revealed that Loeb used a contraption named an interstellar hook that appears like a tentacle to search for strange interstellar space rock samples resting on the ocean floor.

Loeb has been working on finding alien technologies for a while now. In 2021, the Harvard Professor founded the Galileo Project to build a worldwide network of cameras and telescopes to snap a high-definition photos of alien technology. In 2022, the scientist revealed that we could be able to see such a fascinating image within two years.

While we await such a mind-blowing image, it is important to note that Loeb has been making an effort to study a strange interstellar object nicknamed IM1. This is a mysterious meteorite that crashed into the Pacific Ocean on January 9, 2014. Loeb agrees with other scientists to say that the space rock arrived at Earth from interstellar space because of two reasons.

The first reason is because the meteorite slammed into the Pacific Ocean at a faster speed, while the second reason is because of its toughness. Loeb and his colleagues conducted an analysis that suggests the meteor possesses tougher features than the entire 272 meteors in NASA’s Center for Near Earth Object Studies catalog. The speed and location of the meteorite were confirmed by the Department of Defense after it enters our atmosphere and crashed into the ocean.

How The Scientist Began the Move To Find the Meteorite

About three months ago, The Guardian reported how Loeb was making arrangements to carry out a $1.5 million expedition starting from Papa New Guinea to find the remains of the Meteor resting at a depth of 1.7km on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. The scientist to find the interstellar object as it would open more doors to the search for extraterrestrial species out there.

“Analyzing the composition of the fragments could allow us to determine whether the object is natural or artificial in origin,” Loeb wrote in an article published on Medium two months ago.

The Harvard Professor noted that the meteor might be extremely tough because of its artificial origin. It could have probably been launched about a billion years ago by a distant technological civilization. After conducting several observations on the ocean floor, Loeb and his team reported how they found tiny spherical fragments named “spherules” on June 21.

In addition, the team revealed that fragments contained a strange combination of magnesium, titanium, and iron. Scientists at BBC reported spotting an object with spherules is not rare as they are mostly formed when asteroids or meteorites explode violently.

“The spherules we found have a composition of mostly iron with some magnesium and titanium but no nickel,” Loeb wrote in his Medium blog post, “this composition is anomalous compared to human-made alloys, known asteroids, and familiar astrophysical sources.”


Loeb and his team discovered a meteorite that they thought came from interstellar space. While the team will certainly need further studies to analyze the discovery, they will proceed to study the samples using a spectrometer at Harvard to spot any isotopes within the meteorite before revealing their discovery to the public. What do you think about this fascinating discovery?

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