Tiny primordial black holes could have created their own Big Bang, Astronomers Discover in a New Study

Scientists recently discovered that tiny primordial black holes could have created their own big bang. This fascinating discovery reveals that small black holes might have had a great impact on the universe during its infant stage. During a recent study, researchers proposed that a huge population of tiny black holes could have occupied the baby universe with particles and radiation.

They even suggest that these small cosmic messy eaters were powerful enough to create their own black hole-powered Big Bang. To date, scientists have only verified that black holes can only be created when a massive star dies and collapses its core under its own weight. Since there is no other force powerful enough to withstand the pressure of the dying star, it will continue to collapse until it reaches an infinitely tiny point scientists referred to as a singularity.

Researchers strongly believed that every black hole in the universe came into existence following this procedure. However, recent studies are suggesting that there may be another way black holes actually came into existence. Scientists recently reveals that the infant cosmos was energetic after its powerful inflation. Note that inflation is a hypothetical astronomical event that could lead to a huge expansion event that spread our cosmos to a massive huge size in less than a second.

After the inflation come to an end space-time emerged and vibrated the entire cosmos with its released amount of energy. Scientists revealed that the infant universe might have appeared so violent and created the formation of primordial black holes which flooded its environment.

How Astronomers came up with this interesting discovery about tiny Primordial black holes

Researchers have spent years observing primordial black holes which were first proposed by Stephen Hawking. Several observations conducted in the past were concluded as an empty search. This is because black holes larger than a billion grams would have initially affected the evolution of the universe.

While most of the scientists were paying attention to monster-sized black holes, only a few researchers were studying smaller black holes which could have come into existence after the inflation. In a recent observation, a team of scientists analyzed the behaviors of these tiny black holes in detail. They also described how we might spot them and published their findings in an online preprint database arXiv.

However, scientists that made this discovery wondered why such tiny black holes could survive for so long. This is because a stellar-mass black hole should have released only one particle of radiation each year. Scientists revealed that smaller black holes should release radiation at a faster rate than the bigger ones.

Hence, no one expected these tiny primordial black holes to live this long as Hawking radiation would have made them evaporate in a couple of minutes. This implies that astronomers should have spotted them during recent observations. However, the team of researchers marveled at the existence of these tiny black holes as they describe their surprise in their publication.


Scientific discoveries like this often open the door to new astronomical knowledge. Let’s hope that future observations will reveal more about tiny primordial black holes to our scientists. What do you think about this discovery?

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