NASA Caught the Sun Smiling down on us in its Latest image. Could this be a sign of Danger to earth?

Unlike previous images of the Sun, scientists are still astonished at the latest photo of the Sun smiling down on us. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory recently captured this unique photo that seems like a smile-like face on the Sun’s surface. The image further reveals dark patches on the Sun, making our star possess a pair of eyes and a cheek accompanied by a bold smile.

However, NASA has revealed the actual reason behind the new unique image of the sun. According to a post shared on Twitter, the American Space Agency explained that the dark patches visible on the Sun’s surface are coronal holes that allow a fast burst of solar wind to move out into space.

“Today, NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory caught the Sun “smiling.” Seen in ultraviolet light, these dark patches on the Sun are known as coronal holes and are regions where fast solar wind gushes out into space,” NASA tweeted.

Could this be a sign of Danger to Earth?

Even though this fascinating image of the smiling sun appears to be unique and beautiful, scientists are suggesting that this could be a sign of trouble for Earth. reveals that these coronal holes are pushing massive solar wind toward the Earth’s direction. It was estimated that this stream of solar wind may possibly hit the Earth on Saturday (October 29).

“Intermittent G1-class geomagnetic storms are happening today as Earth enters a stream of solar wind flowing from a cheerful hole in the sun’s atmosphere. Arctic sky watchers should remain alert for auroras this weekend,” released in a statement.

This implies that when the solar winds hit our planet, they will appear as auroras over the skies of the Arctic. Solar winds can affect us and our technologies. In 1989, Solar activities caused a total extensive Canadian blackout. Scientists have revealed that Solar winds can disrupt our navigation systems, satellites, and communication systems.

However, we are slowly moving towards the future where we can reduce the impact of solar wind on Earth using more advanced technologies. But for now, we should continue to enjoy the beautiful auroras display caused by solar storms. NASA’s Solar Dynamic Observatory has been observing the moon since February 2010. NASA’s scientists are still expecting more fascinating discoveries from the observatory before its mission termination in the future.

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